Revision Notes

Genetic Terminology

DNAThe molecule which contains genes. It’s shaped like a double helix (a spiral)
ChromosomesFound in the cell nucleus: X-shaped things made up of long coils of DNA
ChromatidsThe separate arms of the chromosomes
CentromereArea at centre of chromosome where the separate arms meet
GeneSection of DNA molecule
AlleleA gene, but there are two types of alleles
HomozygousAn organism with two alleles the same for a particular gene (e.g. HH or hh)
HeterozygousAn organism with two alleles that are different (e.g. Hh)
DominantAn allele/gene that determines the characteristics in the organism (dominant over the recessive allele)
RecessiveDoes not usually affect the phenotype of the organism
GenotypeThe description of the GENES you have (e.g. MM or Hh etc…)
PhenotypeThe description of your PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTES (e.g. hair colour)
MitosisCell division – one cell splits into two identical cells
MeiosisCell division – produces haploid cells (the sperm / egg cells)
DiploidDescribes a cell with the full number of chromosomes (46 for humans)
HaploidDescribes a cell with half the full number of chromosomes
ZygoteA newly formed life just after fertilisation of the egg by the sperm
GameteA sperm / egg cell (both haploid)