Clemenceau (France)
- Wanted to cripple Germany so it couldn’t attack France again.
- France had suffered the most during the war so Clemenceau was under great pressure to make Germany pay.
- Wanted Germany broken down into smaller states so that it would not rise to be such a power as it had done already. It would be weakened.
Wilson (USA)
- Wanted a better and more peaceful world.
- He was idealistic – proposed League of Nations.
- USA had joined war late (1917) and hadn’t suffered much.
- Set up 14 points but had to sacrifice them for the development of the League.
- Believed in self-determination.
Lloyd George (UK)
- Wanted Germany to be justly punished but not too harshly. He still wanted Germany as an economic partner.
- Germany to lose navy and colonies as these were a threat to Britain’s.
- Wanted Germany and Britain to trade again.
- He didn’t want Germany seeking revenge in the future.
- There was pressure at home to make Germany pay – he was elected promising this.