Exam Revision Notes and Online Learning Resources
Exam Revision Notes and Online Learning Resources
The Haber process is the process by which Ammonia is produced. Simply put, it involves combining Nitrogen and Hydrogen together …
The carbon cycle is simply the process by which Carbon Dioxide is put into and removed from the atmosphere. This …
There are 3 main processes undertaken in the water purifying process: Filtration Bacterial Oxidation Chlorine Treatment The different stages are …
Temporary Hard Water This is caused by calcium or magnesium hydrogen-carbonate. It can be removed by boiling the water. Ca(HCO3)2 (aqueous) …
Soap contains salts such as sodium stearate and sodium palmitate and when calcium ions in hard water mix with soap, …
Hard water does not produce as much lather as soft water when it is used with soap and also an …
We have dug out a few home learning activity books on Amazon for you. There are plenty more out there, …
1. Waxy Cuticle – Forms a waterproof layer to stop any loss of water. 2. Upper Epidermis – Consisting of epidermal cells. These have …
The following diagram shows the structure inside the stem of a plant. This is how water, sugars, and minerals are …
The kidneys have an important role to play in homeostasis in humans. They filter out the urea, and excess minerals …