Exam Revision Notes and Online Learning Resources
Exam Revision Notes and Online Learning Resources
The Treaty of Versailles was made at the Paris peace conference in the palace of Versailles. The important decisions were …
Learning to understand what type of learner you are If you choose to “revise” but have no real understanding of …
In the current COVID-19 situation, maintaining well-being within families is more important than ever. Keeping a schedule can help focus …
The list below shows the different methods by which materials in a river are transported: Traction – Rolling stones along the …
Some definitions: Watershed – the boundary of the drainage basin formed by the highest points of mountains / hills forming a …
The Hydrological (Water) Cycle is the moving around of water in the atmosphere, sea, and ground in a continuous cycle. …
Points A, B, and C show the progression of the spit’s formation. The curved ends are explained in point 6. 1. Fetch – direction of prevailing …
= a single sand particle. Points A, B, and C show how the sand particle moves along the beach. 1. Waves approach beach at …
1. Original position of cliff 2. Cliff retreats 3. Present position of cliff 4. Sea level (high tide) 5. Wave …
1. Joint or Fault in the resistant rock. 2. Blowhole – occasionally, water rises up through a vertical joint in the rock and is ejected through …